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Electromechanical Systems Design (24-671)

For my senior design Capstone I took a Masters level course called Electromechanical Systems Design. The purpose of the course is to identify and develop an electromechanical product to solve a problem. My group (David Oke, Kushagra Varshneya and Christian Teixeira) designed and developed a fully enclosed automatic french press. We identified that despite a large market demand for French Press style coffee no product existed to make it from start to finish without manual work and external boilers. In this page I will walk through the steps we took including developing a problem statement, identifying customer needs, systems level testing, FEA, CAD/concept design and iterations of the product. Should anything need clarification please reach out to me via my contact form. Hope you enjoy!

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Problem Statement

The market space for automated coffee solutions is vast and includes households as well as office workspaces seeking to boost employee morale. Usual automatic coffee makers can only produce one version or several similar versions of a cup of coffee. Aficionados prefer to have control over proportions and material to customize for their taste needs which can be easily done with a french press. Sadly there are essentially no automatic french press machines that are feasible for household consumers to purchase. Therefore, a large market gap exists for an automatic french press that is affordable enough for the average (cup of) joe.

In terms of our competitors, we face no direct competition for a product with our planned functionality and pricing. However, other automatic coffee brewing solutions do exist. For instance, Keurig, and Nespresso are examples of indirect competitors. Their products serve the people who prefer fast low effort coffee. On the other end of the spectrum, automatic espresso machines, such as the Breville Barista, offer a more complete experience for the most serious of coffee lovers. Products such as these cost upwards of 1000$ putting them out of reach for the average consumer. All in all, most of our product’s competition is indirect due to other comparable products fulfilling the needs of different market segments

When using the automated french press its is assumed that the user has access to a power source, water and coffee grounds. The eventual user of our product will be expected to maintain the water in the tank, and the grounds in the container for daily use. From time to time, the final user will also have to remove and clean the brewing chamber, bean container, and various nozzles. In terms of constraints, our product is designed for personal use in any ordinary kitchen, constraining the size of our final product to something that would fit on an ordinary countertop. On top of this, components of our french press have to be removable for easy cleanup. Finally, our most important constraint has to be price. Making a product for household consumers requires the price not be too high, however, due to our better performance than Keurig type coffee makers our price can be more than their typical offering.

Customer Needs and Technical Specifications

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Brainstorming: Design and Sketch

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Systems Level Testing

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Helical Screw for Grounds Dispensing Validation

Running the helical screw and collecting both qualitative and quantitative results. Observation showed that the oil in the grounds created large compactions in the threads. To solve the clumping issue we added a flush cycle and redirected cooled water through the screw from the reservoir at timed intervals. Additionally small vibrational motors were added throughout the funnel to aid in flow. The quantitative data showed these measures increased the amount of coffee in grams per time interval. 

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Heating with Coil

Test time taken and ability to heat to the desired temperature and then shut off. Tried various quantities and thermal conditions. Had to change approach and retrofitted a kettle base to get better heating times. 

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Stepper Motor Validation

Checking the ability of the stepper motor to consistently reach a programmed position within a given time and reverse once prompted. 

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Press Validation and Alignment Critical for Cleaning

Checking the ability of the motor with coupled adapter to press the grounds and water while remaining in line with the carafe opening. Testing data taken with scale below and a precise amount of water and grounds.


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CAD and Prototypes


Final Product and Design Presentation Day


For the design presentation we had drinkable french press samples and won the Best Prototype!

Favorite interaction of the Expo:
Me: "How's the coffee?"

Professor: "Some step above gas station"

Me: "Glad to hear it."

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